Monday, November 26, 2012

HVAC System Design- Formulae

I have been approached by lot of people to teach them system design for the HVAC&R product development and I thought it fit for them to start from basics as without  solid foundation there can be no building.So I thought of compiling the basic formulae first and then go for the system design aspects.It has taken me considerable time to compile these formulae.
I would like to thank Ms. Ashima Saxena for helping me in editing the list of the compilation.

Thermodynamic Design Formulae
1 F = m a Newton's law of motion
2 P = F / A Pressure
3 ρ = m / V Density
4 W = F d Work
5 PE = m g H Potential energy
6 KE = ½ m V2
Kinetic energy
7 Q = m Cp( t2 - t1 )
Sensible heat
8 Q = m ( h2 - h1 )
Total heat
9 W - Q = dE 1st law of thermodynamics
Cpa = 1.005 kJ/kgK
Heat capacity of dry air
Cpw = 4.193 kJ/kgK
Heat capacity of water
Cpv = 1.884 kJ/kgK
Heat capacity of water vapor
Heat Transfer Formulae
13 Q = - k A dt/dx Conduction
14 Q = hc A ( ts - tf )
15 Q=σ A Fε FA (t1-t2) Radiation
16 Re = ρ V Dh / µ
Reynolds number
17 Pr = µ Cp / k
Prandtl number
18 Nu = hc D / k
Nusselt number
19 Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4
Moist Air Phase Formulae
20 P = Pa + Pv
Dalton's Law of partial pressure
21 Pv = R T Perfect gas law
22 Ra = 0.287 kJ/kgK
Gas constant of dry air
23 Rv = 0.4615 kJ/kgK
Gas constant of water vapor
24 W = 0.622 Pv / (P - Pv)
25 Pv = P / [1+0.622/W]
Vapor pressure from humidity
26 r = (1+W) / v True density of moist air
27 Ps = 0.6105 exp [ 17.27 t / (237.3+t) ]
Magnus saturation pressure
28 t = 237.3 / [17.27 / Ψ - 1]
where Ψ = ln (Ps / 0.6105)
Dew point temperature using the Magnus equation
29 f = Pv / Ps
Relative humidity
30 Pv = Psw - 1.8( P- Psw )( db - wb )/( 2800 - 1.3 wb )
Carrier vapor pressure
31 H = 1.005 db + W [ 2500.6 + 1.85 db - 0.023 wb] Enthalpy
32 hfg = 2501.9 - 2.4189 t
Latent heat of water vapor
Air Psychometric Formulae
33 ma = ρ Qa
Mass flow of dry air
34 Qs = ma Cpm ( t2 - t1 )
Sensible duty
35 Cpm = 1.023 kJ/kgK
at typical air-conditioning conditions
36 Qt = ma (h2 - h1 )
Total duty
37 SHR = Qs / Qt
Sensible heat ratio
38 b = ( db0 - adp ) / ( dbi - adp )
Bypass factor
39 Qs = h A (db - wb)
Sensible heat at wet wick
40 Ql = hd A (Ws,w - W) hfg,w
Latent heat at wet wick
41 hd = hc / Cpm
Mass transfer coefficient
Room Heat Formulae
42 Q = Uo Ao ( to - ti )
Heat conduction through a wall
43 r = ro + Σ t/K + ri
Wall resistance
44 Qsg = SHGF SC  A  CLF
Solar heat gain
45 Q = U A CLTD Cooling load temperature difference method
Cold Room Formulae
46 Qpulldown = m C dT
Pull down load
47 Qlatent = m ∆W λ
Latent load
48 Qrespiration = m R
Heat of respiration
Solar Angle Formulae
49 d = 23.45 sin ( 360 (284+n) / 365) Solar Declination
50 LST = CT + (Lstd - Lloc)/15 + E + DT
Local Solar Time
51 E = 0.165 sin 2B - 0.126 c os B - 0.025 sin B Equation of Time
52 B = 360 (n- 81) / 364 Parameter in E
53 h = 15 (LST - 12) Hour angle
54 sin β = cos l  c osh  cos d + sin l  sin d Altitude angle
55 cos φ = (cos d  sin l  cos h - sin d  cos l) / cos β Solar Azimuth
56 cos θ = cos β  cos λ  sin Σ + sin β  cos Σ Angle to surface normal
Solar Radiation Formulae
57 IDN = A e -B / sin β
Direct Normal Solar Flux
58 IdH = C IDN
Diffuse Horizontal Solar Flux
59 ID = IDN cos θ
Direct Solar Flux on Surface
Coil Calculation Formulae
60 dQ = hd dA ( ha - hi )
Heat flow on the c oil air side
61 dQ = hr dAi ( ti - tr )
Heat flow on the c oil fluid side
62 dQs = hc dA ( ta - ti )
Air sensible heat
63 Q = U A lmtd Duty from UA LMTD method
64 Lmtd = (dti - dto) / Ln( dti / dto )
Log mean temperature difference
65 Q = e Qmax
Effectiveness method
66 e = (1 - exp(- Ntu (1- Cr)) / (1 - Cr exp(- Ntu (1-Cr))
Counter-flow effectiveness
67 Cr = Cmin / Cmax
Capacity ratio
68 Ntu = U A / Cmin
Number of transfer units
Steam Formulae
69 λ = 2164 kJ/kgK Latent heat of vaporization at 2 bar gauge pressure
70 λ = 333.6 kJ/kg Latent heat of freezing
Fluid Flow in Pipes Formulae
71 dPfriction = ½ ρ ƒ L V2 / Dh
D'Arcy Weisbach friction equation
72 1/√ƒ = -2 Log [ ε / (3.7 Dh) + 2.51 / (Re √ƒ) ]
Colebrook friction factor
73 Dh = 4 A / P
Hydraulic diameter
Duct Design Calculation Formulae
74 P + ½ ρ V2 + ρ g H = constant
Bernoulli equation
75 P1 + ½ ρ V2 + r g H1 = P1 + ½ ρ V2 + ρ g H1 + Ploss
Modified Bernoulli
76 dP = ½ ρ Vd2 [ 0.4 ( 1 - Vd/Vu)2 ]
Branch straight through dp
77 Def = 1.3 (ab)0.625 / (a+b)0.25
Effective diameter of rectangular duct
78 dP = ½ ρ V2 [ (A1/A2)2 - 1 ]
dP for ideal flow through a nozzle
79 dP = ½ ρ V2 [ 1 - (A1/A2) ]2
dP for sudden enlargement
81 Re ≈ 67 V Dh
standard air with V (m/s) and Dh (mm)
Fan Laws
82 Law 1 ρ = const Q ~ ω SP  ~  ω2
Pw ~  ω3
83 Law 2 ω = c onst Q = const SP  ~  ρ Pw ~   ρ
84 Law 3 ω  ~  1/√ρ Q  ~  1/√ρ SP = const Pw ~  1/√ρ

Psychrometric ChartReynolds Number-FlowsDuct Design Chart


  1. Dear Harsh,
    Remarkable task .. Its a bank of important equations.I am confident most of the professional engineers will like it..
    Best Wishes

  2. Thanks Ashima...Thanks for the help in editing was just too much task for me in there.Thanks for simplifying the clutter...God Bless...!!

  3. yes its really good for every designer for HVAC

    But can u give basics how he select component and system for any HVAC design.

  4. starting with

    Heat load
    Component selection and Spec. & requirement
    System selection and spec. & requirement

    then validation Test list to prove the Design.

    Various application to Understand the Uses.

    again thanks for u share the Useful data bank to professional engineers

    1. Dear Parmod,
      Soon I am planning to start a newsletter series teaching you all the stuff that you require for a good system design.
      Infact,I am in the process of the working on those newsletters which teach will step wise as to how to select the proper equipment,What are the calculations involved and how to validate your design?
      Soon there will be request form on the blog itself for the information requested.Just hold on for few more days.

  5. Good Job Mr.Harsh,& awaiting for your Newsletter

    1. Dear Bhushan,

      Yes it is in the process of creation and will certainly see the light of the day.It's just that I am too busy with my job these days that I am not able to fully devote my full time on the news-letter sequencing and formatting.
      Let's hope that it will be out soon.

      God Bless..!!

      Harsh Bardhan

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